Category: Artist


Vivre l’instant presént.. ?

“What is the one thing you’re most excited about right now ? “ was the question that popped into my feed this morning. It was a before I brush my teeth, take a shower or walk into my studio day kind of question. So here I lay with this thought swimming in my head.. with…
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Grey…is it a colour !

DON’T BE SHOCKED – I’M GOING GREY…  If you ask me about hairdressers, I’ll tell you they are my joy. Especially when you find a good one… or a tribe of them like I have. As an artist there is nothing better than having a hairstyle or colour to set you off on a creative…
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Artist Authenticity..

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what motivates the art that we make, and how commercial artists can still retain sense of authentic self within a body of work they create.  For me, stepping back and taking a year away from ‘making Art to sell’ has been the most liberating things I could do…
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ceramics south africa, trayci tompkins, creative blog, sabbatical

Creative Sabbatical …

Ever wondered how to invigorate your work or revitalise yourself as an Artist ? These are the things artist Trayci Tompkins ponders as she reflected on a recent creative Sabbatical… A good friend retires this month from a long serving career as an accountant.  I suggested she take a sabbatical in order to draw a…
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Trayci Tompkins, Ceramics Southern Africa, Ceramic Blogg, Artist Studio, Sacred Spaces

The Sacred Studio Space..

Artist Trayci Tompkins shares her thoughts on artist’s creative spaces with readers of the Ceramics Southern Africa Magazine. Having a studio to call your own doesn’t require tons of money, lots of space or even necessarily a door. As long as it’s your sacred place, that’s really all that matters. Kimberly Brooks (Huffington Post) 44-years-ago,…
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Image of artist Trayci Tompkins

Every field needs a rest before a farmer can sow again…

Sarah West Ervin, in her blog on ways to stay motivated, describes losing the urge to create as “like a balloon from the previous weekend’s birthday party, slowly deflating, losing all motivation to do anything, let alone create.” Recently I felt my balloon losing its shape. Just as I began to panic, I remembered that…
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Photo session for a ceramic

Small tweaks that make all the difference

Ceramic artist & entrepreneur Trayci Tompkins shares her thoughts on Business agility as an artist – with readers of the Ceramics Southern Africa magazine. Sometimes all it really takes is cutting off the ‘legs’ to make your jeans more wearable. I’ve just done that liberating act on a prized pair of England’s finest… and it…
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Trayci Tompkins with pot

16 questions for Trayci

Chairperson of Ceramics Southern Africa Gauteng, Colleen Lehmkuhl  caught up with Trayci – whom she met in 2011 – and asked her about her influences, her passions and her techniques. Colleen: 1. Have you always wanted to work with clay? Trayci: I believe clay found me.. In a London Art school on my way to register for…
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This must be the place

This must be the place…

Talking Heads sang in their lyrics “And you may ask yourself… well how did I get here*” back in the 80’s, now clay artist Trayci Tompkins asks … and discovers, “this must be the place.” Having studied  Drama, Theatre and Marketing, it took a bit of courage when I first wrote ‘Artist’ on an official…
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The story teller

“I have always been a maker and a story teller..and have enjoyed a varied and somewhat inter-connected career .. first studying performing arts back in the mid eighties, then naturally progressing into the visual arts via a well loved career in print media. My father was a part time actor, my mother an artist. So I guess…
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